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Medical Astrology
Medical astrology (traditionally known as Iatromathematics) is an ancient medical system that associates various parts of the body, diseases, and drugs as under the influence of the sun, moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs.

Each of the astrological signs (along with the sun, moon, and planets) is associated with different parts of the human body. The underlying basis for medical astrology, astrology itself, is considered to be a pseudoscience or superstition as there is no scientific basis for its core beliefs.

Medical Astrology

Taking the Signs first, they are connected in this way with the body

Aries : Head and face, the eyes.
Taurus : The neck, ears, throat, larynx, tonsils.
Gemini : The arms, shoulders, muscles and bones in these, the lungs (including the trachea and bronchi), and the hands.
Cancer : Stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, upper part of the liver.
Leo : The heart, spine and spinal parts.
Virgo : The intestines, alimentary canal, lower part of the liver.
Libra : Kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae and the skin generally.
Scorpio : The organs of reproduction, bladder, gall, colon and rectum.
Sagittarius : The hips, thighs and the sciatic nerves.
Capricorn : The knees, joints of the body and the hair.
Aquarius : The lower leg (calves and ankles), the teeth and the circulation of the blood.
Pisces : The feet and toes.

Inside of Medical Astology : Tuladaan, Mahamrituyanjay Jap.