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All we need to do to reduce the problem is simply to be less wasteful. Here are some ideas on how to help everyone!

We are currently working on following field : -

Save water Abhiyaan : The MESSAGE started this abhiyan because in history there were so many crises of water and still it is going on and in future it will again increase. Countries, States, regions, Districts, villages are fighting over water .Now here the question arises as to who will take initiative to settle these disputes. Public representative like politicians make its issue for their profit. No one finds the exact technical solution on it. Hence message launchs an Abhiyan to find the correct solution for protecting the benefits and resolving the disputes over water through local people and members of message. Through this abhiyan we have spread social aweraness messaage among masses to save the water .

Save Ganga & Yamuna Abhiyaan : For several centuries the Ganga and Yamuna rivers have remained a lifeline for crores of people apart from supporting abundant aquatic life as well as other animals and birds. These rivers have been a source of reverence and inspiration for countless people and Ganga-Yamuna culture has left an indelible print on the life of India and its neighbourhood.

In more recent times, however, the pollution and many-sided threats to these rivers have caused much concern to the people as well as the government. The government’s efforts to protect these rivers have concentrated mainly on checking pollution levels. However, despite the prioritisation of these rivers, the result has not been particularly encouraging. The existing efforts like Save Ganga & Yamuna steps in the right direction but we need such steps on a much bigger scale. The government’s efforts should benefit from and involve such people’s movements.

Blood Donation Abhiyaan : To motivate the people for voluntary blood donation and to impress on their mind that a single blood donation can save 3-4 lives and it is such an easy act to perform.